
Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Mainstream media, in the form of CNN, is taking another beating with the Eason Jordan coverup. What's that famous definition of insanity? Doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting different results--yes, something along those lines. The NY Times and Jason Blair, CBS and Rathergate, now CNN and Eason Jordon all demonstrate the insanity syndrome very well.

It's long past time to face the new day, Old Media. You simply can't filter the facts, shape opinion and elude consequences the way you did in the old days of 6:00PM deadline. The newsroom is now invisible, it's open 24/7, and if your editors persist in thinking that they have the last word...well, seven million bloggers, with 40,000 more starting up each day, are going to have something to say about that.

Bloggers, especially the big names, are watching the media, and they're reporting back to the public about the reporters. You've been busted, and you're under permanent surveillance now. Better get used to it and clean up your journalistic act accordingly, because it's going to be a long probation for MSM.