
Sunday, May 15, 2005

The Five Absolutes

It's Sunday, the day of rest the Lord assigned in the Bible. It's a day for family and loved ones, for Christian worship, for taking time to enjoy life and to slow down for reflection.

In the course of visiting my favorite blogs during this precious leisure time on Sunday, I came across Roman Catholic Blog's link to an interview with the gay Episcopal bishop, Gene Robinson. He is one smug piece of work. I've watched several television interviews with him since his ordination, and the bishop seems quite pleased with his high profile role in placing his church on the brink of schism.

I've never admired him for that reason. His own interests, goals, and agenda take precedence over the good of his church. While asserting that his church "trusts us to be adults," he is acting like a spoiled child who will have his way at any cost.

I know more than one Episcopalian who is distressed over Robinson's ordination and the controversy it has fomented within their church.

That won't happen to the Roman Catholic Church. We most assuredly have more than our share of problems and issues, but the ordination of an openly gay bishop won't be one of them.

Catholic doctrine is as clearly black and white as a chess board. There are five modern hot-button subjects that get a definitive "No" from the Catholic Church. Here are the five zero-tolerance-and-diversity topics, as explained in the Catholic Answers Voters Guide for Serious Catholics:

1. Abortion
2. Euthanasia
3. Embryonic Stem Cell Research
4. Human Cloning
5. Homosexual "Marriage"

Being a Catholic is not an easy journey. But at least we have clearly marked, black and white road signs to direct us, without hesitation or confusion, to our destination.