
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Required Reading

Michael Yon is an independent, self-supporting embedded reporter in Iraq, a former Green Beret who has consistently called the bad shots as well as the good in the ongoing war against Islamist terrorism.

Yon's objective reporting has earned enormous credibility with the military and civilians alike.
Moment of Truth in Iraq is Michael Yon's most recent book. If you would like to make sense out of the war we are winning, despite what the nightly news would have you believe, you must read it.

Yon also posts to a blog
, and his photos and first-hand accounts of wartime experiences are heartstopping. I've followed his work for over a year and have now added Michael Yon to my sidebar for easy linking. Please visit his site, read the amazing reports you will never hear from MSM, and support his work.

With a presidential election rapidly approaching, every American has an obligation to know the facts about our military, their mission, and the real story of success that is now unfolding in the Mideast. It's time to do our homework before we vote, as November 2008 will indeed be America's "moment of truth" in Iraq.