
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Playing Catch-Up

There has been so much happening since I checked out for my son’s wedding, it’s difficult to know where to begin. But one must start somewhere, so I’ll just plow right in.

Sarah Palin

What a great pick from Senator McCain. It’s going to be an uphill climb now for the Democrats to effectively claim this is “Bush’s third term.” Can you imagine G.W. Bush ever choosing Palin as a running mate? No? I can’t, either. Stand aside for John “Maverick” McCain, always dependable for a surprise. I’m grateful this seems a positive one for American conservatives.

MSM has been quick to report that Palin’s husband has an alcohol-related traffic violation from over 20 years ago. I now hear that there are some other traffic citations on his record. Oh, I must sit down, I’m shaking in fear.

Although I was planning to vote for McCain in any event, my decision was without enthusiasm. With the arrival of Sarah Palin on the Republican ticket, I am energized and looking forward to Election Day.

On a number of levels, Palin is a brilliant choice. No experience? I beg to differ. She’s known as a reformer within her own party, she’s run a budget, held executive office, sent a son to the military, supports the Second Amendment and understands energy issues from an oil-rich state’s perspective. Palin has certainly walked the right-to-life walk by bearing her Downs syndrome child and also by supporting her pregnant teenage daughter’s choice to carry her baby to term. Sarah Palin is a tough lady who has made tough choices. She’ll be a formidable opponent for the Democratic ticket.

Hurricane Gustav

First, the good news: everybody got it. This time, the residents of the Gulf states, the local and state leaders, the relief and defense agencies and the Feds were all extremely proactive in anticipating the potential disaster presented by Hurricane Gustav. This is in stark and pleasant contrast to the man-made disaster that followed Katrina in 2005.

Now, the bad news: I’m weary of watching constant weather maps and empty rain-drenched, windswept streets and listening to boring reporters trying to find enough drama in Gustav to fill the TV screen on a 24/7 basis. Let’s move on, shall we?

RNC Convention

The event is appropriately low-key, considering the preparations for Gustav. Far from being a negative, the readjustment of convention activities in deference to conditions on the Gulf Coast should prove to be a blessing in disguise. The competency and effectiveness of advance plans and unfolding logistics for Hurricane Gustav are a refreshing counterpoint to the unrelenting harangues and finger-pointing over Katrina.

Besides, conventions are largely one-sided puff pieces designed to showcase the candidates in the best possible light. It is the upcoming debates that will tell the true story of the candidates and their readiness to lead. I, for one, can’t wait.

Oops, forgot the Olympics--must have been a Freudian slip. I never was a fan of holding the Games in Beijing. Anyway, due to wedding events I missed almost all of the Olympics, which was a small loss to me.

In any event, it's good to be back.