
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Outrage, Again

Another scandal has erupted upon the hapless President Obama, this one in the Veterans Administration. As usual, the president insists he knew nothing about the delayed care of dying veterans until he heard about it on the news.

Take a look at this link to see how many times Mr. Obama has learned what's going on in his own administration through "the news." Our president seems to be a woefully under-informed chief executive. Such a pity, that.

And in line with the unfailing routine each time a new scandal erupts, the president is outraged. "Madder than hell," as he put it. Yes. Of course he is. (You believe him, don't you?)

The president hasn't gotten around to his "I will not rest" remarks yet, at least that I've heard so far. But that section of the script can't be more than a press conference away, coming upon the heels of his "outrage" at learning this shocking and terrible "news."

NRO's Jim Geraghty has compiled a timeline of our president's outrage, anger, apoplexy, and unrest. It would be comical if it wasn't so true. But the reality is that Obama's phony anger is, well, there's only one word for it. It's an outrage.