
Friday, December 04, 2020

Disconnecting from Dictatorship

Almost immediately following the catastrophic presidential election, I deactivated my ten-year-old Twitter account. I was disgusted by the site's censorship of the news regarding the Biden family's blatant corruption and ties to Communist China, obviously in an overt effort to ensure Joe Biden's election. I'm on Parler now, a safe haven for conservative voices (so far).

Today I deactivated my Facebook account. I simply can't participate in an enterprise that is undermining and subverting the liberties that true Americans hold dear. I had to supply a reason in order to complete my withdrawal from this social media trainwreck, of course. As authoritarianism is the driving force of Facebook's obsession with control, coersion is involved. So I chose the final option, "Other"--which required a text box full of explanation.

You asked, Communist overlords? Okay, I'll answer you. But brace yourselves. Below is what I wrote for the "other" reason I was leaving Facebook:

Your censorship policies follow the pattern of totalitarian dictatorships thoughout history. I refuse to support the destruction of free speech and expression, American values that have made the USA the greatest country in human history. Facebook is arrogant, ungrateful--and wrong.

I'm not naive enough to believe that any individual at Facebook is going to take what I wrote seriously. Oh, no, they are right--conservatives are wrong, and too stupid to realize it. End of discussion. But still, it felt good to write those words. It was a Braveheart moment, a modern echo of William Wallace's dying cry--"Freedom!"

America is at the very brink of losing its freedom, forever. Fight against it! Even if that just means checking out of the surveillance platforms and filling the "other reason" text box full of hard truths in a small-minded social media's website.