"All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope." ~ Winston Churchill
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Flying in the Face of Reason
Keep Air Force One on the ground.
The New York City flyover fiasco cost American taxpayers nearly $330,000—that's without the cost of the F16 escorts. New York City is over 200 miles from Washington D.C. Next, we have the road trip to Missouri to deliver the “First 100 Days of American Socialism” press conference. Tell me, why couldn’t this inane waste of time be held in Washington? Missouri is over 900 miles from Washington. What’s the probable estimate on that joy ride--$1 million?
I’d really like how the president is “earning trust” from recession-weary Americans with these extravagances. Personally, I don’t believe his assertion that he didn’t know about the NY photo op—it’s his plane! I think the DoD might need to ask him for the keys, don’t you? Obama’s “furious” reaction is a bit too cute. And the fact that NY authorities were informed, but threatened with Federal ramifications if they let the story leak, calls true intent into question. What was the real goal of the “photo op”? Was it a test to see how much power the government holds over its citizens, and how easily it can induce panic—and therefore exert control? Was it merely an ego trip? In either case, that’s worse than disgraceful—it’s disgusting. And I, for one, would not be surprised if either scenario was the truth.
Has the government never heard of PhotoShop? With the click of a mouse, you can show Air Force One and the Statue of Liberty together. Aside from the sheer costliness of the exercise, to needlessly put New Yorkers through such a terrifying reminder of 9/11 is beneath contempt, and I seriously question the judgment of anyone in the administration--up to and including Obama, especially--who approved it.
After these “enchanting” 100 days, I remain completely unimpressed with President Obama. I fear he is an unmitigated disaster for this nation, one that's in the process of happening. I think Americans need to brace themselves for some very bad days ahead. As the captain of Air Force One might say, “we’re heading into some turbulence—please fasten your seat belts.”
Sunday, April 26, 2009
State of Replay
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Bard's Birthday
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears...
Today is William Shakespeare’s birthday, and, in a poetic coincidence, also the anniversary of his death (1564-1616). In honor of this auspicious occasion, Chicago Mayor Daley has declared today "Talk Like Shakespeare Day."
For those of you who consider vocalizing in Shakespearean style a tough assignment, it’s much simpler than you think. In fact, you probably quote Shakespeare quite often. Allow me to demonstrate the ease with which a modern day speaker of the English language may quote the Bard, with unwitting fluency and even a preponderance of clichés. Let’s pick a topic, shall we? How about something timely, such as the startling performance of Barack Obama during his first 100 days in office?
Shakespeare’s words appear in boldface type:
Although we waited with bated breath for the brave new world President Obama was to bring us, we now find that there is neither rhyme nor reason in the monumental, wild-goose chase that this self-acclaimed tower of strength has ushered in. In fact, at times it seems a foregone conclusion that Obama is the devil incarnate, giving our country short shrift in his lengthy speeches, which are often too much of a good thing. While he is never tongue-tied, Obama should consider that brevity is the soul of wit. His long-winded orations are, in one fell swoop, making us a laughing stock around the world. Tut, tut!
For goodness sake! It appears we have seen better days, according to our feckless leader. Truly, we as a nation are in a pickle. But for Obama to ignore the foul play that lurks in wait for us is to risk leaving us all as dead as a door-nail. What the dickens! Obama plays fast and loose with our national security and refuses to budge an inch from his foolish policies. What a piece of work! I look forward to the day when we can send him packing and say good riddance to the blinking idiot. I’ll be so happy I will laugh into stitches and say all’s well that ends well.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Remember, Honor, and Teach
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Signs of the Times
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
A Call to Liberty
Wandering the shops during an airport layover on my way home, I decided to treat myself to Mark Levin’s new book, Liberty and Tyranny, A Conservative Manifesto.
A treat it was, indeed. I did some flying of my own during my cross-country flight, almost finishing the book by the time the plane touched down. In my opinion, Levin has written one of the most important books of the last quarter century. I’ll share some thoughts on why I’ve come to that conclusion.
If you’re like myself, an average, hard-working American conservative, you’ve probably observed the economic and social Armageddon engulfing our country and wondered, on numerous occasions, “What has happened to us?” When the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals overturns California voters' majority voice; when media personalities call Christianity more dangerous than radical Islam; when Congress passes legislation granting bonuses and, just as quickly and with as little thought, passes another law rescinding those bonuses; when the Executive branch of government decrees that private enterprise must now “report” to them—these are all occurrences that beg the question, “What would our Founders say?”
In Liberty and Tyranny, Mark Levin has answered that question in a clear and compelling manner. While his response is alarming, it is fascinating and enlightening. Levin refers to those who worship larger government as “Statists.” With a firm basis in our Founders’ philosophy, Levin describes in layman’s terms exactly how binding are the constraints that government has imposed upon our people under the guise of helpfulness—and how diametrically opposed our modern condition is to the Founders’ original intent. His analysis is presented in the clear but detailed style of a professor who knows he has smart students, and he teaches with a wealth of facts, bolstered by quotes and footnotes, that provide a sobering look into the ever-deepening abyss that is our increasingly centralized government.
There is a chapter titled “On the Free Market” that, in and of itself, is worth the price of the book. If you would like a lucid, rational chronology explaining the governmental missteps that have brought us to our current woes, read it. The heavy hand of government--in the subprime debacle, Wall Street’s bad loans, spiraling gas prices, and many other of our economic ills--is exposed at every bad turn of events, and that grasping hand reaches forward from the distant past to drag us into our modern crisis.
When I was very young, I considered my father a bit of a radical when he referred to the much-revered Franklin Roosevelt as “the worst president in American history.” Dad became a Republican during the New Deal and never wavered in that political affiliation. After Jimmy Carter’s disastrous turn at the executive helm, I began to understand my father's position; never again would I vote for a “Statist” for president. In reading Liberty and Tyranny, I feel rather proud that Dad’s reasoning was so accurate and so far ahead of his time. I also feel grateful that, by example, he taught me critical thinking.
Levin’s book should be read by every college student—in fact, I’ve heard many of them calling into his radio show after reading it, along with law students and young people starting out in their careers. It gives me hope that the soul of our nation, if not its ailing body, is alive and well. For, as Levin wisely points out, the true conservative’s values--love of individual liberty, reluctance to expand central government, honor for cultural traditions, and respect for "Nature's God"-- are the same as those of our nation's Founders.