
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Encouraging Evil

"Bush worried them. Obama doesn't."

New York Post's Ralph Peters has a piece about the Iranian upheaval in today's edition that is gospel truth.  Read every word of "The Obama Effect," but only if you can stomach the self-absorbed squishiness of our current "leader."

Hugh Hewitt was taking calls from Iranian Americans only this afternoon, and it was fascinating to listen to real people who understand oppression and dictatorship on a firsthand basis.  They often seemed uncomprehending over the Obama White House's silence and hesitation in the face of brutal events in their native land.  One of the callers said he wished that President Bush was still in office for this crisis.

He's not alone.  Right now, I'd give a lot to have a "cowboy" in charge who isn't afraid to speak hard facts to tyrants.  Judging by the president's studied indifference, that's not something we're going to hear anytime soon--unfortunately all of us, but especially for the Iranian people.