
Monday, June 15, 2009

Something Happening Here

I think it's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down

Media coverage on the post-election crisis in Iran has been shockingly sparse.  It's almost as though it can be wished away by concentrated indifference.

Finally, after three days, President Obama offered a comment today.  It was one of his standard "on the other hand" reactions, parsed to give something to everyone while keeping him as clean as possible.  He said is "deeply troubled" by the violence, but we must "respect Iranian sovereignty."

Fine.  That should've taken sixty seconds.  But, as is the president's wont, it took him nearly five minutes to complete his puffed-up statement.

Meanwhile, there is a confluence of events transpiring in Iran that will not be ignored nor talked away forever.  Sooner or later, no matter how deeply troubling, we will need to deal with them--provided, of course, the president respects American sovereignty.