
Thursday, October 28, 2004

A Commanding Flop

OK. Let me see if I’ve got this straight.

First, ABC News says that approximately 380 tons of explosives were stolen right out from under the noses of the 3rd Infantry Battalion and the 101st Airborne in the opening weeks of the Iraq war. Never mind that the accuracy of this report is in question, that there may have been only 3 tons, and forget about the Russian trucks linked to the site. After all, ABC is Mainstream Media, not interested in pressing for facts when there’s a political agenda to push to the left.

Next, John Kerry pounces upon this story as a weapon to bludgeon the President and leaps smartly into the ring, armed with the missing munitions story. Kerry expounds with great gusto on the failure of the troops and commanders to secure the ammunition stores.

With his consistently off-key political pitch, Kerry is willing to bet that this bombshell of a story will knock Bush to the ground. He fails to consider that perhaps by trashing our troops, he might offend, oh, a few hundred thousand of them. Neither is he concerned that such criticism just might irritate their wives, husbands, children, parents, brothers, sisters, friends, and neighbors, not to mention every United States veteran in the country.

In fact, anyone who gets to vote next Tuesday might take issue with negative remarks about our outstanding military during this time of war, especially from one salivating to become Commander-in-Chief.

Does Kerry actually think that badmouthing the military is going to help him win the Presidency? I thought this guy was supposed to be the smart one! The military, for the most part, positively loathes the man. (In his letters to me, my soldier in Iraq never refers to Kerry as anything but “the Liar.”)

To advance his personal ambitions, Kerry is willing to slander the efficiency of our soldiers and the competency of their officers. He’s willing to give aid and comfort to the enemy by attacking Americans in harm’s way. He did this once before, in 1971, and he did it with impunity. He went on to build a career in the Senate, as lackluster as it was, based on those treacherous lies.

I don’t think Kerry’s going to get away with sticking it to the military this time around. Not when so much is at stake for all of us, and when so many of us know how critical the role of our troops is in keeping us safe. Can you even imagine a Commander-in-Chief Kerry? After he denigrates our military to the world? (oh, excuse me, “the globe”).

I don’t believe Americans are going to stand for his disrespectful nonsense with regard to our troops. Kerry doesn’t really want a U.S. military. He just wants the title of Commander-in-Chief. Our troops know that. I’m betting the voters do, too.