To Our Fighting Marines:
First and foremost, thank you all so much for the hard work you are doing to keep us safe at home in the U.S.A. I’m sorry, and I’m angry, that many of our spoiled, pampered, ignorant, often stupid Old Media representatives are criticizing some of the actions you have had to take in the course of your battles. I hope you won’t pay any attention to them. There are none so blind as they who refuse to see the truth, even when it’s caught on videotape.
I suppose some idiots really do think it would have been more appropriate for you risk your lives, and the lives of your buddies, to wait and see if there was a suicide bomb or some other hidden weapon on a wounded terrorist. As for me, I agree with every word Matthew Heidt posted on Nov. 15.
In the 1860s, Gen. William T. Sherman once said that “War is all hell.” The oft-quoted adaptation of his statement unfortunately omits the key word, “all.” War is indeed all suffering, all pain, all danger, all fears, and all split seconds suspended between life and death. The decisions you make on the fields of battle within those instants weave the difference between survival and extinction, victory and defeat, and the triumph of good over the domination of evil.
You certainly don’t need me to tell you, but I’ll say it anyway. You are doing the right thing. Despite the hateful stupidity of Old Media, the overwhelming majority of your countrymen are very proud of you. We support your every effort, we respect your sacrifices and your decisions, and we pray for your safety and success.
Semper Fi, brave friends, sons, and brothers.