
Monday, June 20, 2005

Dear Senator Durbin

Dear Senator Durbin:

I visited your website today and saw something quite extraordinary. Here is a direct quote from the "Issues and Legislation" link:

Senator Durbin believes that although the U.S. military is the best equipped and well trained in the world, it is the fine men and women who fill its ranks that are the true pride of the country. They exhibit tremendous leadership, courage, and bravery in their efforts to secure America and its interests, and America owes it to them to ease the burdens of their service.

Now, forgive me, Senator, but I'm not quite following. You see, I read this long article by Hugh Hewitt in the Weekly Standard that has direct quotes from you comparing the Guantanamo detention facility to Hitler's concentration camps, the Soviet Unions gulags, and Pol Pot's genocide.

Be patient with me a moment, a lowly working gal, and help me to decipher your message.

Did you mean that the Nazis, Soviets, and Pol Pot "exhibited trememdous leadership, courage, and bravery in their efforts to secure" their own countries? If so, you're the first person I've ever met who has felt that way. Oh, but of course, as you explain in the article--it's our own fault if we misunderstood you.

Have you ever spoken to anyone who was in a gulag or a concentration camp? I have. Those who were in such places don't see much agony in glazed chicken, prayer books, air conditioning, or loud music. Not to mention zero death counts.

With regard to our service men and women, what about how "America owes it to them to ease the burdens of their service"? By you handing flaming ammunition to a gleeful enemy, you eased our troops' burdens in exactly what way? It seems to me that you may have added to their burdens just a tad. Because of your insults to them, I think the military now needs to be concerned that another few thousand of "the fine men and women who fill its ranks," "the true pride of the country," will be KIA by the reinvigorated enemy. Nice job, Senator.

And "although the U.S. military is the best equipped and well trained in the world," they are powerless before such ignorant and malicious stupidity. Especially when it emanates from a supposed "leader" of their country they are fighting to protect.

Dear, dear Senator Durbin. I'm afraid you don't make much sense, which is all well and good. It's no crime to be stupid. But to deliberately endanger our military forces who are fighting to protect your oversized mouth and microscopic brain is much more than a crime. It's treason, as defined by our Constitution, Article III, Section III:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

By assaulting the honor of our troops, you are indeed "levying war against them." Your words will be used to inflame and recruit innumerable enemy combatants, to the peril and suffering of our armed forces.

By your public verbal attack upon our soldiers at war, you are "adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." The floor of the U.S. Senate should be no protection for you. You are a traitor to our fighting men and women.

It's not only that you don't deserve your government power and position. You don't deserve U. S. citizenship.

If it was up to me, you wouldn't even get residency.