
Monday, December 05, 2005

Christmas Angels

This photo was taken in early 2005. That's my son, Matt, on the left. I'm the short one. Daughter Kris is next to me, with Pete anchoring us on the right. We're all wearing our sporty Iraq tee-shirts we received from the Sarge; he was our first Soldiers' Angels assignment.

We're now supporting our third troop through Soldiers' Angels, and I enjoy recruiting new angels. So far I've notched a postal clerk who handled some of my care packages and a fellow pet owner from our neighborhood dog park. Also, when the Sarge got back to the U.S., he told me that he, too, had signed up to adopt a troop. The support from home had meant so much to him and his guys, he wanted to participate.

If you're wondering what you can do to help make the world a little bit brighter, a little less grim this Christmas season, I suggest that you link to Soldiers' Angels and see just how much opportunity awaits you. Opportunities not just to offer support and encouragement to our fighting men and women, but the gift of knowing you have contributed in a very real way to a good and noble cause.

I can't explain the feeling of contentment you receive when you send a care package off to one of our soldiers. Such a worthwhile sensation can only be experienced. So please give it some thought, and I hope you decide to treat yourself this Christmas season by "being an Angel."

Meanwhile, to the Sarge, Corporal Michael, and PFC Jimmy--Merry Christmas, and God bless you, one and all.