"Project Valour-IT" is the name of Soldiers' Angels program providing laptops to recovering wounded members of our military. The program was started in August 2005, and since that date the Soldiers' Angels have personally presented 500 laptops to our recuperating troops across the country.
News like this makes me very proud to be a member of the Soldiers' Angels organization. I volunteered in March 2004, just months after Patti Patton-Baden founded it, and was one of a few hundred Angels at the time. Today, there are over 80,000 individual "Angels," in addition to many church, school, and community groups, that "adopt a troop" stationed overseas. The Soldiers' Angels write cards, letters, and--the most fun of all--send care packages to their assigned troops.
If you're looking for a worthy cause to support, look no further. Visit the Soldiers' Angels homepage and sign up to give tangible appreciation to those who offer their lives to keep us protected at home.
The Soldier's Angels motto is: "May no soldier go unloved." Roger, that.