
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Biting the Apple
Can you imagine an American company in the 1940s denying a request by federal investigators to help the war effort? No, I can't imagine it, either. But what a difference seventy years can make. Apple, in refusing to assist in accessing the iPhone data of the San Bernardino terrorist, put company before country. For awhile, it seemed that Apple had the high ground in the PR battle, if not the moral struggle. Apple seemed quite pleased with itself.

But, as I suspected they would, the FBI found a "third party" to hack into the targeted iPhone. Now Apple, who argued the sanctity of their high security brand, must confront the fact that an unknown entity can crack their treasured secret code. Worse, the whole world now knows that iPhones are vulnerable. Furthermore, Apple doesn't know how the data was accessed. But what's really the pits (sorry, couldn't resist) is how many other iPhones in government custody are next on the third-party
hacking block.

I'm guessing the FBI won't be sending Apple the briefing, either.