
Saturday, March 14, 2020

Corona Crazy

Like most Americans, the expansive reach of the coronavirus "COVID-19" hype has me in its grip.

My weekend plan was to spend Saturday with my California grandkids. But, after my son called me last evening to express concerns about my venturing out for a visit with two little potential virus vectors, I decided to stay home. After all, I'm well into the over-60 danger zone. Like a good American citizen-soldier, I'm "self-isolating" this weekend.

There are certain benefits to hunkering down. For example, my house is clean--squeaky clean. Everything not nailed down has been washed--sheets, towels, tablecloths, throw rugs, afghans. My countertops shine with the germ-killing sheen of disinfectant wipes. All three bathrooms have been scrubbed clean. And speaking of being scrubbed clean--what is up with the national toilet paper obsession?

Have you seen a photo of the checkout lines of paper-hoarders? It's astonishing. Exactly how much solid waste can one family physically generate in a month? Survivalists estimate a person uses one-to-two rolls of toilet paper per week.  Judging by the photos of quantities piled in shopping carts, people are stocking up for a year. Some of their inventory might outlive a few of the paper-panic loonies.

When the coronavirus first started grabbing headlines about two weeks ago, I did buy a few extra groceries--soup, tuna fish, pasta, peanut butter. I had checked my garage shelves and seen eight rolls of t-paper in stock. There was an unopened 4-roll pack in my upstairs linen closet. Each of my three bathrooms has a roll in service (so to speak) and a basket holding two or three extra rolls. I counted a total of 18 unused rolls; toilet paper did not even make my shopping list. Not to put too fine a point on it, but with what I have in the house I'm good until the second half of May, thanks. (I realize families need more than I do, but I think 100+ rolls in your shopping cart is a bit excessive.)

Another benefit to staying home is cooking. I decided to stop at one of the smaller grocery stores on my way home from work last night. It was just announced yesterday that schools are closing Monday for three weeks, so of course the store was crazy (although nothing like Costco crazy). I was planning to buy some ground turkey or beef to make chili, but the meat shelves were stripped bare. There was one lonely 1-lb. package of meat away up on the top shelf. I pulled it down to see what it was--lo and behold, ground lamb! Free range, organic, and no antibiotics! Score! I tossed the package into my cart and snatched up a few green peppers to go along with it. Today I'll attempt to recreate my grandmother's mouth-watering stuffed pepper recipe.

It's a grey and rainy Saturday in Southern California, so this will be a fun experiment in comfort food. As time-honored wisdom advises, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Better yet, try making Mimi's old-fashioned lamb-stuffed peppers. No toilet paper is required.