
Friday, June 05, 2020

A Highly Selective Virus

Who knew that protesting had such magical powers to protect human beings from virus transmission? While law-abiding citizens are being hauled off in handcuffs for being at the beach or in the park, shoulder-to-shoulder protesters, mask-free rioters, and grimy-fisted looters roam freely throughout the land with impunity.

It would appear that only solid citizens must be protected from the ravages of COVID-19, and we aren't of much concern to the police or the media at the moment. Law enforcement officers seem thoroughly preoccupied with the marauders' destructive activities. So this might be a favorable time for the rest of us to pack that picnic basket and head out for the day. Just be sure to choose a location far from America's trashed and burning cities. You wouldn't want to bump into any of these COVID-resistant rioters. That would be hazardous to your health, from both a virus and a violence perspective.

If you do plan a day trip, don't forget to bring along the hand sanitizers and masks. Remember, only the protesters enjoy full immunity to COVID-19 and are exempt from its cumbersome rules, restrictive regulations, and dire health consequences. Be safe out there!

"Social Distancing" is so last month...