
Saturday, January 08, 2022

Out With the Old

We've heard a great deal in the manufactured media run-up to Januray 6 about "the threat to our democracy." One commentator wryly but accurately noted that this ubiquitous phrase from the ruling elites really translates as "the threat to our oligarchy." That did make me chuckle. After all, how much say do we Americans currently have in the orders being imposed by our "betters" amid mask, vaccination, job, and school mandates? Rhetorical question, of course.

As for the protest-turned-riot one year ago, it was seriously wrong. Yet because we live in our broken human world, seriously wrong things happen on a daily basis. For example, this year I'd like to commemorate the fifth anniversary of June 14, 2017. If you don't immediately recall that date, it's understandable. The story of a radical left-wing extremist who tried to assassinate multiple Republican congressmen at a baseball practice was quickly buried and forgotten by almost all in media and government. Try to research it today and you will find precious little coverage of that particular "threat to our democracy." 

Democracy, by the way, is not our form of government--at least according to the US Constitution. Our Founders went to great pains to construct a government that would have the wherewithal to avoid the obvious dangers of mob rule. We live under the laws of a constitutional representative republic--barely so, by today's fallen standards.

This is the time of year to put away festive holiday trappings and settle in for the new year stretching before us. It's traditionally a season for resolutions, promises to oneself to improve upon the past. I resolve to look ahead, not backward. The media and radical ranters are welcome to keep harping on the past, but I want no part of it. The future beckons, free, hopeful, and open. I hope we can fill the days to come the same way.