
Sunday, November 20, 2022

Thankful Through the Centuries

The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in the fall of 1621--401 years ago. It took until 1863 for it to become an official holiday, courtesy of President Abraham Lincoln.

History recounts that the early New England settlers, the Pilgrims, shared a peaceful and enjoyable autumn harvest celebration with the Native Americans of the area. There are no historical records of hate crimes, racism, bigotry or white supremacy during this three-day feast of thanksgiving for a plentiful harvest.

Imagine that. People just being people together; people enjoying being good neighbors and friends. If that could happen in 1621, why not in 2022? I say yes, it can and does still happen. Despite any attempt to denigrate this uniquely American holiday, today's Americans still know and appreciate their family, friends, and neighbors. We know how fortunate we are to be living in this country. No amount of naysaying can change what grateful Americans know to be true, regardless of the century.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.