
Friday, February 03, 2023

Up in the Air

Whoa, it came out of the sky
Landed just a little south of Moline

Well, I'm not sure where the landing spot would be. But if I were in charge, that Chinese balloon would be in a zillion pieces. It would be the "flying machine in pieces on the ground," to quote further from classic rock tunes. If I were running the show, the Chinese Communists would definitely see fire and rain on their computer screens instead of US secret sites.
Sure, it's a "weather balloon" that just happens to be drifting over U.S military bases and nuclear silos. Does anyone in this country actually believe a single word that comes out of either the Biden administration OR China? Pardon the rhetorical question. It beats cursing and swearing.
The current "president" has parked our national security in a continuous state of suspended animation. From the border, to illegal immigration, to crime, to fentanyl, to sucking up to China and other enemies, Biden has left any action to protect or benefit the US up in the air. Biden has consistently demonstrated that he is not interested in what American citizens want or need. He owes too much to too many shady players.
In his weak and timid response to the aerial invasion of our country by a belligerent China, Biden acts as though his first allegiance is to Beijing. Allowing China to leisurely spy across the continental USA makes me wonder--is Biden's first loyalty to China?
Is that a rhetorical question? I'll leave that up in the air.