
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Evidently Obtuse

Article II, Section 1, Clause 8: United States Constitution

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: – I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

To state the obvious, I added the yellow highlighting to the last line of the presidential Oath of Office.

In all the wailing and gnashing of teeth over "no evidence" for Joe Biden's impeachment, no one seems to realize that he already stands fully convicted by his failure to enforce the laws of the United States under the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Except for those that agree with him, is Biden protecting any American's right to free speech? Ask a traditional Catholic about the "free exercise" of religion and ask parents trying to attend school board meetings about their right "peaceably to assemble." As any journalist, scientist, or commentator canceled in recent years can tell you, a "free press" in this country is a thing of the past. 

Those are some of the Biden administration's violations of the Bill of Rights. And that's just the First Amendment

Regarding the crisis on the southern border, no law appears to be enforced as illegal entries swarm and overwhelm every part of the country.

Joe Biden has flagrantly violated his presidential oath to defend the Constitution of the United States. The evidence for his impeachment is clear and copious. Congress, witnesses, and the legal "experts" are hunting for twigs while surrounded by a forest. For some unfathomable reason, they aren't seeing the trees.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Constitutional Chaos

"It is the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins."

~ Benjamin Franklin

Constitution Week seems somewhat bizarre in our current national climate. After all, our historical monuments and statues have been destroyed or removed, laws aren't even suggestions anymore, people are arrested for differing opinions, the country has no discernable border, and we have a crime mob family running the show from Washington DC. The US Constitution seems rather beside the point at the moment. It's not even taught anymore, from what I hear.

On second thought, though, this may be the perfect time to give our foundational document a serious read. If more Americans were educated in what the Constitution actually contains and how it was designed to protect all future generations, we might be better equipped to identify nonsense when we hear or see it. 

For example, certain members of Congress want to establish "oversight" of the Supreme Court. All one needs to do is read the US Constitution to see that there are three co-equal branches of government: the legislative, executive, and judicial. No one branch gets to boss any of the others around. The Founders were big fans of the system of "checks and balances." Joe Biden and his throngs of power-hungry Democrats really should look into it before the country collapses into complete ruin. But of course, continuing chaos could be their plan.

Freedom of religion, of speech, of the press, of assembly, all seem to be remnants of the past. Yet they are purposely enumerated as the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution. Maybe download that document and give it a read-through--while there's still time to get smart and turn this mess around.

Saturday, September 09, 2023

Election Fatigue

Did we really need to start living out the November 2024 election beginning in the summer of 2023? Apparently, both the Republican party and the ubiquitous media is convinced we do.

I'm already weary of all the candidates, but I know that my tiny little opinion has no particular meaning. (I'm also convinced that my vote will have little bearing on the election, but that's a different issue.)

Why do we have to listen to these over-confident and self-satisfied people, every day, ad nauseam? The answer is, we don't. I, for one, am tuning out any speeches, interviews, rallies, and/or campaign ads by any of them. I've already seen and heard enough. Former President Trump is noted for his catchy nicknames, but I have my own code names for the major Republican candidates.

Nikki Haley - The Motor Mouth. Can you imagine listening to her endless fast-talking harangues for four solid years? When she answers a question, she sounds like she popped a speedball on top of three cups of coffee. What a headache. Just in case her candidacy advances, I'm not listening to her for now.

Mike Pence - The Preacher. He's very solemn, he takes himself so seriously, and he loves to lecture "the American People" on right and wrong. He knows what's best, of that he is firmly convinced. Please, Reverend, take a seat.

Vivek Ramaswamy - The Brown Nose. Didn't we all know someone like this in school, who was always ready to demonstrate that he was the smartest kid in the room all while kissing the teacher's butt (in the current Republican political arena, that would be Trump's).

Chris Christie - The Two-Facer. He cozied up to then-President Trump trying to position himself for a key position, and now he has a seemingly endless supply of knives ready to plunge into Trump's back. And who can forget the bear-hug he engulfed Obama in after 2012's Hurricane Sandy, during Mitt Romney's campaign for president? He seems like a big phony.

Tim Scott - The Lost Cause. He's such a good man, but he suffers from "Just Too Nice" syndrome. Also, he can't stop talking about his impoverished childhood. His policy positions are appealing, but I don't think he has the punch to survive this battle. 

Ron DeSantis - The Runner-Up. I really like him, his policies, and how he executes his duties as Florida's governor. He would be a perfect Republican candidate. But, barring unforeseen dramatic events (always possible, probably likely), I don't see anyone catching Donald Trump as the nominee at this point. 

I watched the first debate, but I've checked out of the future ones that are scheduled. I suspect we'll be listening to one of these candidates soon enough.

A minute's peace, please?