
Friday, May 24, 2024

A Millennial Saint

Blessed Carlo Acutis is on deck to become the first canonized saint of the Millennial generation.

A computer expert who died of leukemia at the tender age of 15 years, Carlo worked on websites for Catholic schools and churches and created an online database of Eucharistic miracles. His brief life story shows that he was precocious in his faith as well as in internet technology

This week, the Catholic Church recognized a second miracle attributed to Carlo's intercession. The Church requires two miracles to advance a candidate for sainthood to canonization. Both miracles involved healings of young people.

Had he lived, Carlos would be 33 years old now. Many of his generation describe themselves as "Nones," having no religious affiliation or particular belief. In Carlo, who has been called "God's influencer" and "patron saint of the Internet," we will soon have our first official Millennial saint. I believe that's something that will do our world good.

Carlo Acutis ~ 1991-2006