
Saturday, June 01, 2024

Destruction by Disagreement

The Left destroys everything it touches.

~ Dennis Prager

Mark Steyn, the brilliant commentator and writer, was once Rush Limbaugh's go-to for guest hosting his national radio show. He was a Fox News contributor and a best-selling author.

But he had some politically incorrect ideas about climate change and Islam, among other subjects. This was enough to activate the leftist machine to destroy him. The Lefties have done an impressive job. They've nearly killed him, and they're not finished with him yet.

After a dozen years of legal persecution, in recent years Steyn has suffered two heart attacks; the second one was nearly fatal. I saw a recent photo of him being pushed in a wheelchair. His once coppery hair and beard are now grey. 

Steyn perseveres and still writes insightful, often hilarious, always powerful commentary at his website, SteynOnline. In his most recent posting, A Republic? You Can Keep It, Steyn addresses the relentless persecution, trial of, and verdict on former President Donald Trump. It's worth reading in its entirety, but a key section appears below:

"I am about to begin my thirteenth year in the foetid septic tank of the District of Columbia courts. My finances are ruined, and so is my constitution. By the latter, I mean my health, not the United States Constitution, which is already dead. By contrast, I'm just about hanging on, although I very much doubt I will live long enough to be vindicated at the Supreme Court. Which is bad news for my heirs and relicts. As one of the lawyers taunted me last year, "This doesn't end with your death."

I'm sad about that, and would much prefer to devote the time that remains to playing music and enjoying the sunsets. I am worn out, and bitter about the books I'll never get to write because of the way American litigation has consumed what should have been my most productive years. I have a theological objection to suicide, but would not be averse to dying in my sleep.

And that's just with two rinky-dink cases on the go.

Trump, on the other hand, is barraged at all turns - here, there, state, federal, civil, criminal. He has been subjected to all manner of indignities - such as, just this week, having to sit in the crappy courtroom while the jury deliberates, which Judge Irving did not force me to do in DC."

We in the United States of America are in a dark and dangerous place today. We must take our perilous situation seriously. Like a bad heart attack, it can quickly become fatal.