
Thursday, April 14, 2005

Angel Buzz

It was a treat to hear from some of my fellow Soldiers’ Angels today in response to my April 12 post, and many thanks to Hugh Hewitt for pointing them my way.

It’s always a pleasure to hear from team members in this very worthy group effort. It’s even more rewarding when useful facts are shared. From Carol Bishop, I learned that there is another fine organization called Appreciate Our Troops. One of their projects, Operation: Mug a Troop, is in need of assistance. I’m awaiting details from Carol and will post them upon receipt.

Joanna Frazier, Alabama’s state managing Angel, suggested that I pass along this very valuable bit of information:

“It might be good to mention that with the new flat rate boxes, you can mail your care packages for only $7.70 each. Might not get as much stuff as a huge box but maybe you can send more…”

Thanks, Joanna, that’s the best news! At that economical rate, my next soldier will most likely score several boxes a month. My grown kids still tease me with the mantra I have applied through the years to explain my acutely overstuffed pantry syndrome: “It was on sale, and I had a coupon!”

Tonight, an e-mail from a Missouri angel let me know that my next soldier’s name is on the way. I hope he likes Pop Tarts.