
Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Back In The Trenches

Tonight, I'm wondering how my Marine is doing.

I had a short respite from worrying about the troops on a personal level. My soldier and his guys were safely home by the end of February after a year in Iraq. Despite the exhilarating relief of having completed my "mission," as weeks passed I found I missed being actively involved in supporting our troops. By tax day, I had asked for, and received, my new Soldiers' Angels assignment. He's a Marine corporal, and I think of him throughout the day.

He should have his first care package by now. My letter containing our family's photo should arrive in a few days, and his second package is almost ready to ship. After one more trip to Target, it will be on its way.

My soldier always wrote and thanked me profusely for my support. What do you say? How do you say "You're welcome" to someone who's putting his life on the line for you, 24/7, for a solid year? You don't, because you can't.

What you can do, once that soldier's safely home, is get back in the trenches and adopt another troop to support with packages and prayers. Many thanks to Soldiers' Angels for putting me back in action.