
Friday, July 31, 2020

So Little Polish

My mother had a description for people who behaved rudely. She would shake her head and remark in a wistful tone, "People have so little polish these days."

Mom observed a great deal of bad public behavior during her one hundred years, but Barack Obama's blatant, completely inappropriate political rant at Rep. John Lewis's funeral yesterday brought the issue of "no polish" to a stratospheric level that would have shocked her.. All of the Democrat rally-goers--in this case, funeral attendees--displayed a similar classlessness by leaping to their feet in the church and applauding throughout Obama's campaign speech. John Lewis certainly proved to be useful in death. An icon of the mid-20th century civil rights battles, he deserved more respectful treatment.

We'll soon find out if America really wants such rude individuals in charge of the country. I hope not. After decrying a lack of polish, my mother often would add a more forceful and dismissive "No manners." If you need a succinct description of the current crop of Democrat radicals, I can't think of a better one.