
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Color Coded

I've mentioned this in years past, but there is a surefire method of discerning the race of shooting victims before any names or photos are released to the media.

If race is cited immediately, the victims are invariably people of color or minority groups. If you hear no mention of race, you can be assured that the victims are white people; the Boulder massacre is the latest example of the media skipping over skin color because it is so inconvenient to their America-is-racist talking point. 

If the shooting victims are police officers murdered by a person of color or a minority group, you'll hear very little hear about it before the media quickly moves on. It's a very easy code to crack, once you notice it. 

The Atlanta massacre was immediately linked to racial motivations, however incorrect theat conclusion may be. Racism is the favored media propaganda narrative. Dead Asian women support their agenda of painting America as "racist," so the racial angle is trumpeted at every opportunity. The victims become mere props in advancing the Left's agenda.

As for the Boulder tragedy, well, that's another story entirely. Although the parallels in the two stories are striking--lone psychotic gunmen, many innocent victims slaughtered in a location open to the public--the media coverage is completely different. Although the victims are white people, that fact is totally ignored by media in favor of the Left's pet agenda--gun control. Never let a crisis go to waste.

It's shameful that race enters into such tragedies. A person is a person, a loved one is a loved one, regardless of skin color. In tragedy, race does not matter. Each individual who is murdered leaves behind a family forever bereft by their loss. Grief, evil, and psychosis are color blind. How sad for our country that the media isn't.