
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Further to His Letter

I know where I stand on these questions. But what say you, America?

~ Andrew Gutmann

One month ago I posted a piece about one brave father in New York City. His brilliant letter detailing his decision to pull his daughter out of her left-wing private school was gripping, and it went viral on social media.

Today Andrew Gutmann published his follow-up article in The Hill. Not surprisingly, it's another home run. This man is not only a highly intelligent critical thinker and exquisite writer; he is also one brave and fearless hero. To be willing to step forward and stand before the myriad forces of evil that are innundating our country, and to face the ensuing consequences and personal price, takes enormous courage. 

Gutmann is right to point out that it's not just school systems that are pushing division through critical race theory. I have family members who have been "strongly encouraged" to attend "white privilege" seminars at their place of business. In these classes they are taught how inherently racist they have always been, although they may not even be aware of it. In fact, they are told, this obliviousness confirms their racism.

This "re-education" of adults and indoctrination of children is beyond propaganda. It is what all Marxists do, tear down and destroy at another's expense in order to achieve their selfish ends. It is, quite simply, evil. Our nation will not long survive the determined efforts to divide Americans against each other. Unless, of course, we Americans begin to speak out and fight back as this one courageous father has done.

He ends his article with a challenge to his fellow countrymen. Where do we stand? Today the United States needs an army of Andrew Gutmanns. I know I'd like to enlist. But what say you, America?