
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The Genocide Games

Have you watched any of the Genocide Olympics? I haven't. Neither, apparently, has Nikki Haley. The games were left scheduled in Beijing even after China unleashed Covid on the world and are in the process of exterminating an ethnic group, the Uyghurs. There are chilling parallels to the Berlin "Nazi Games" of 1936.

The Chinese Communist Party never held human life in high esteem. The Uyghurs in China that are coerced into slave labor are the fortunate ones. So many Uyghurs are imprisoned in concentration camps, are forcibly sterilized, tortured, or executed in genocidal ethnic cleansing. The major corporate sponsors of the Genocide Games include Coca-Cola and Procter & Gamble. Coke and P&G are okay with genocide? Evidently big money talks louder than human decency. I'm comforted a bit by the cratered ratings, down 55% from 2018 and 64% from 2014.

I'd like to do something to fight back against the Genocide Games. I may be one little person, but there are millions just like me. All of us "little people" spend money. Both Coke and P&G sell a plethora of products. What if all the many millions of us avoided purchasing any of their numerous goods? It might not make much of a dent in their big-time deals with China, but I know I'll feel better if I make an effort not to endorse genocide with my own dollars. A few fast foods and convenience products just aren't worth the price.