
Friday, July 29, 2022

Deceit and Disbelief

This may be the first time in my life I ever agreed with any statement issued by the Communist Chinese Party, but the adage states that there's a first time for everything. When China says that Joe Biden never mentioned genocide in his phone conversation with President Xi, I'm with China.

In fact, I don't believe there was a two-hour phone conversation between Joe and Xi. Have you watched Joe Biden try to patch two sentences together? Do you think he could manage two hours on the phone? As the Brits might say, not bloody likely. Actually, I wonder if he was even on the call at all. Someone was, I suppose, but I don't believe it was Joe.

There's nothing credible coming out of this White House. Some examples? Regardless of what the official word is, I don't believe that the border is closed. I don't believe that the economy is strong; it's never strong in a recession, and we're in one now. I don't believe in "Putin's price hike" (neither does the Federal Reserve Chairman), and I don't believe Biden deserves any credit for the half-dollar drop in gas prices. 

What I do believe is that one day the current occupant of the White House will pay a price for his constant deceitfulness. If I'm going to believe that we still have a country, I have to believe that.