
Thursday, January 05, 2023

God on the Web

There's a new "Godcast" popping up in the number one Apple podcasts slot. It's The Catechism in a Year (CIY) with Father Mike Schmitz.

I'm not surprised. Although it was not a 2022 resolution, I did finish The Bible in a Year (BIY) during New Year's weekend. In listening, I discovered the depths of my ignorance about the Bible, especially the Old Testament. So when Fr. Mike began mentioning the upcoming CIY podcast in the fall, I knew I'd subscribe.

As of Day 5, I'm very glad I did. This journey promises to be perhaps even more edifying than BIY. Not only will Catholics learn about their faith in more depth, the podcast will certainly help to dispel many misconceptions about the Catholic religion among non-Catholics--who are listening in untold thousands.

CIY is packed with content, so reading along is recommended. Fortunately I bought a Catechism about a dozen years ago. Aside from being pulled down occasionally for brief references (especially during my mother's end-of-life care), it's been patiently waiting in my bookshelves. Now it's on my bedside table and getting a daily workout.

We hear and read so much today about the "Nones," people who are agnostic, atheistic, or disinterested in religion. The success and popularity of Fr. Mike's podcasts speaks otherwise. It seems that people are aware that we don't have it all figured out for ourselves. There appears to be a deep hunger for something transcendent, something beyond human beings to help guide us through our troubled times. 

Considering all the damage the Internet has wrought in modern society, maybe these podcasts are God's way of throwing us a bone, so to speak. Check Romans 8:28.

See? You can't help but learn. I think you should give CIY a try.