
Friday, May 19, 2023

Checking Out

The FBI is denying any retaliation against whistleblower agents. A spokesperson for the Bureau has asserted, "The FBI has not and will not retaliate against individuals who make protected whistleblower disclosures.”

Right. Just like the southern border is secureDoes anyone with a functioning brain cell believe these people? I use the word "people" loosely. They are disgusting creatures. Why are we tolerating these lies and travesties? I, for one, can't listen to or watch them. I have fairly well checked out.

What do I mean by "checked out"? I'll provide you with a few random examples.

I haven't watched network news--ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR--since 2015. Ever. Not only will I not view them, I avoid their links online. Speaking of links, I will never click any link posted by Rolling Stone. Ever since they glamorized the Boston Marathon bomber on their cover, I'm done with them. Forever.

I haven't bought or read a newspaper in more than ten years. I don't have cable television since 2018; I watch my news online, usually on Rumble. When Fox News pulled Tucker Carlson off the air last month, I retaliated in my own small way. I pulled their news app off my phone. It won't be coming back.

There are other institutions I have left behind. For example, the Academy Awards. For decades, I would plan my calendar around "Oscar night." Now? I don't think I've watched the Oscars in at least a dozen years. Furthermore, I don't miss it. To be brutally honest, when the headlines about it start hitting the homepages I visit, I'm relieved to have missed it.

I haven't watched pro sports on TV since the kneeling began. Sorry, no can do. (Well, maybe the occasional hockey game. But that's all.) While I used to go to the movies regularly, I haven't paid to see a theatrical release since before Covid. I deactivated my Facebook account years ago.

I'm sure I'm not the "Lone Ranger" in my personal rebellion. Victor Davis Hanson, to whose podcasts I am thoroughly addicted, encourages all of us to protest the vicious totalitarian grip on our society "each according to their station." As much as Big Media/Tech/Gov't would like to, they can't cancel/destroy/arrest all of us.

This used to be a free country. It should be still. If enough of us dig in our heels and push back against the relentless onslaught of blatant lies and nonsense, we can be free again. This is the only country we've got, fellow Americans--let's do this. Find your own ways to check out and just say "NO."